Open Dutch Championship Rapid 2025 (English)

The Open NK Rapid tournament will take place in Helmond on Saturday, May 3rd, 2025

During this tournament the titles Open Dutch Champion Rapid 2025 and Open Women Dutch Champion Rapid 2025 will be played.

The tournament is played in 9 rounds and takes place at the Carolus Borromeus College in Helmond.


Registration is possible until Friday, May 2, 6:00 PM (

The time control

The playing pace is 15 minutes per person per game with 5 second increments.

Registration fee

25 euros

GM’s/IM’s excluded.

To register on the day of play:

On Saturday May 3de between 09:00 – 9:40.

Game schedule

1st round and opening   10:00 – 11:00
2nd round    11:00 – 12:00
3rd round    12:00 – 12:45
Lunch break
4th round    1:30 – 2:30
5th round    2:30 – 3:30
6th round    3:30 – 4:30
7th round    4:30 – 5:15
Dinner break
8th round    6:00 PM – 7:00 PM
9th round    7:00 PM – 7:45 PM
Awards ceremony    20:15


The results will be passed on to FIDE for Rapid rating processing.


It is possible to get sandwiches and drinks throughout the day (for a small fee) in the atrium (the auditorium) of the Carolus Borromeus College.

When registering, you can indicate whether you would like to have lunch and/or dinner.

House rules

Because we play in a gymnasium, everyone (players and supervisors) is asked to enter the playing hall only with flat soles (no stiletto heels). There are no restrictions in the auditorium.

Internet report

Thanks to the support of DGT, 50 boards will be streamed live on the tournament site.

Book stand

During the tournament, chess shop De Beste Zet will be present with everything related to chess (books, boards, clocks, etc.).

Open NK Rapid youth 2024

On Sunday, May 4th, the NK Rapid Youth will be played at the same location, for which you can of course also register, provided you are still allowed to play as a youth player.

Open Dutch Youth Rapid Championship 2025